
Real Estate Associations are why we exist.
Omni MLS works day and night to find the very best real estate technology and licenses it to bring it to its members.

CAPI - Los Cabos
CAPI - Los Cabos

A community of experts, scholars, and students seeking progress in the real estate industry.

At CAPI, we are committed to dynamic learning and professional growth and development. We motivate our members and students to ask practical questions, explore the professional certifications we can grant, and encourage in a society with ethical values, and experts in doing business. We include all the associations that are dedicated to this profession.

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CEPIBC - Baja California
CEPIBC - Baja California

Consejo Estatal de Profesionales Inmobiliarios de Baja California A.C.  This is the State Association of Associations.  CEPIBC is comprised of the 11 real estate associations in Baja California Norte.  5 Sections from API, 5 Sections from AMPI and 1 Section from ASAI.

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AMPI - Los Cabos
AMPI - Los Cabos

AMPI – Los Cabos is part of the National Association of Real Estate Professionals that have, since 1956, gathered under laws and codes of ethics and conduct to create a reliable, trustworthy, and efficient real state environment in Mexico.  Each section has its own Board of directors and there is also a National AMPI Directors Council.

AMPI is the organization that creates and reforms the laws, norms, and rules related to real estate activity. It is also a guarantee of the professionalism of this industry.

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SUMA Inmobiliarias - Toluca
SUMA Inmobiliarias - Toluca

Our mission is to be a private, non-governmental organization, that brings together individuals who provide their professional real estate services in Toluca and the metropolitan zone, under its bylaws and a code of ethics; for the comprehensive training of its associates, honoring real estate best practices and to help protect private property rights.

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UPIM - México
UPIM - México

Great efforts and perseverance translate into great achievements! That’s why you should never look down until you reach the horizon!

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